Friday, April 3, 2009

Speaking of Cats...

If you went to YouTube and searched for 'Scottish Fold kitten', you will find dozens of videos that will make your blood turn into chocolate syrup.

The Scottish Fold is a specific breed of cats, and its signature characteristc is folded-down ears, like in the picture shown below:

(Another characteristic of Scottish Folds is that they will help you level up your characters. This is a firm Lolcat favourite, and its history is lost in confusion of the Internet.)

(No, they actually can hear you. They just pretend not to. Another Lolcat classic. See more at .)

If you were wondering why they have such big, 'googly' eyes - it says here in Wikipedia that 'The broadly-spaced eyes give the Scottish Fold a "sweet expression.' . However, I think that the smallness of the ears in comparison to the size of their faces makes their eyes look larger as well.

The Scottish Fold cats are very friendly and good-natured. They are known for sleeping on their backs (That's some serious cute!). It seems to me they have a penchant for sitting down, both on their butt and on their haunches, with their front legs in the air. The reason why they are so good at balancing on just their haunches, is because they have medium to short legs, just like the Munchkin cats.

(Here is a Munchkin cat, which belongs to theKLF of Flickr. The signature characteristic of the Munchkin is, as you can see, short legs. They run like ferrets and can turn corners quicker than normal cats. Cool, huh?)

When you take two uber-cute breed of cats, and put them together, you get stuff like this:

(Not for people with diabetes.)

But always remember, if you want a cat, the local cat shelter have lots of kitties looking for a good and warm home! By the way, every Saturday is a Caturday. Also, cats have the right to demand for a cheeseburger anytime they want, with extra cheese and no pickles.

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